In an early-morning vote Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris voted with her fellow Democrats to break a partisan tie and pass a budget resolution to begin work on President Biden’s $1.9 trillion dollar COVID-19 relief stimulus plan. The vote tally was 51-50, split evenly down party lines, and came at 5:34 a.m. ET after a marathon session that began Thursday afternoon, lasted 14 hours and included 41 separate amendment votes. It’s part of the reconciliation process that puts Democrats a step closer to passing President Biden’s “American Rescue Plan” with or without bipartisan support.

House Democrats will meet with President Biden at the White House this morning to discuss the COVID-19 relief package, in what will be Biden’s first in-person meeting with House Democrats since being sworn in. President Biden also will deliver remarks on the state of the economy and the need for the American Rescue Plan, which they say will deliver relief to working families. The president met with Republican senators earlier this week to discuss the package in an effort to generate bipartisan support.