The Senate late Monday night approved the COVID-19 relief package and omnibus spending bill by a vote of 92 to 6. The bill now heads to President Donald Trump’s desk for his signature. One of the largest spending packages Congress has ever approved, the bill includes $1.4 trillion in spending that will fund the government through September of next year, and $900 billion for COVID-19 relief — a grand total of $2.3 trillion in spending. At 5,593 pages long, the complete bill weighs about 67 pounds printed, single-sided. The bill now heads to President Trump’s desk to be signed into law.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says COVID-19 relief payments could go out as early as next week for qualifying Americans. Individuals making up to $75,000 per year would receive $600, with $1,200 paid to couples making up to $150,000 per year, as well as a $600 payment for each dependent child. That means a family of four would receive $2,400 in direct payments. The bill also provides $300 per week in enhanced federal unemployment benefits through March 14, 2021. Benefits passed in March under the CARES Act are set to expire Saturday.