Election officials in Georgia are expected to reveal today the results of their hand audit of the ballots cast in the general election, following Wednesday’s 11:59 p.m. ET deadline to complete the audit.  Officials there have repeatedly said they don’t expect the audit to change President-elect Joe Biden’s narrow victory in Georgia over President Trump.  The audit was not the result of any campaign request or suspected irregularities, but rather was automatically triggered by a new state law.  The state has until Friday to certify the vote.  The Trump campaign has scheduled a press conference for this morning at about the same time Georgia officials are expected to announce the audit results.

As President Trump continues his refusal to concede defeat to Biden, his campaign’s legal team has either lost or withdrawn from 14 separate legal challenges to the election outcome in several states. In Wisconsin, the Trump campaign has decided not to request a statewide recount, for which they would have to pay $7.9 million, but instead has paid for a recount in two mostly Democratic counties. There is no suggestion that it would do anything to change the vote outcome in the state, which Biden won.  The Trump campaign also continues to challenge Biden’s ballot victory in Pennsylvania, where they so far have had no luck in court.

President-elect Biden currently has 306 electoral votes to President Trump’s 232, with 270 needed to win the presidency.   Check ABCNews.com for the latest vote counts and other election updates.