President-elect Biden is already said to be outlining priorities for when he takes office, with tackling the COVID-19 pandemic at the top of his list. Sources familiar with his plans say he’s also discussing signing a flurry of executive orders once he takes office to reverse some of President Trump’s policies over the past four years. There have been discussions about rejoining the Paris Climate Accords and the World Health Organization, as well as repealing the travel ban, sources said, emphasizing that executive action is only one vehicle to implement Biden’s agenda and the priority will be to work with Congress.

President Trump’s weekend tweets signal he won’t concede the election without a fight, including an all-caps tweet in which he declared, “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” Most Republican lawmakers haven’t publicly acknowledged the election results, or Biden’s apparent win. 

With 98% of the expected Arizona vote is in, Biden’s lead there is now up to 16,952 votes, with only half a percentage point separating him and Trump: 49.5% to Trump’s 49.0%.  Biden still leads in Georgia, where about 10,000 votes – under half a percent — separate him and Trump.  Georgia has already announced they intend to do a recount; the Trump campaign has announced that Rep. Doug Collins will lead their recount effort in that state.

Joe Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election Saturday when Pennsylvania was moved into his column.  He currently has 279 electoral votes, nine more than the number required to win the presidency, compared to Trump’s 214.

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