Democratic Former VicePresident Joe Biden has taken the lead in Georgia and Pennsylvania as ballot counting continues in those battleground states in his effort to win the White House from President Donald Trump.  Though Biden’s lead is narrow, it appears the majority of early and absentee ballots in both states were cast for him and Democratic VP nominee Sen. Kamala Harris, with a record 100 million-plus early and absentee ballots combined cast in this election overall.  As the count continues, Biden’s lead is expected to grow.

The number of electoral votes Biden and Trump hold has remained unchanged since Thursday morning: Biden has 253 electoral votes and Trump earned 214.  A total 270 electoral votes are needed to win the presidency, with Biden currently 17 short of that number.  Should he win Pennsylvania, the state’s 20 electoral votes would make him the president-elect.  A win in Georgia would put Biden one vote shy of victory, with ballots also still being counted in Alaska, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina.  Biden currently leads in Arizona and Nevada, which have 11 and six electoral votes, respectively, while Trump leads in Alaska and North Carolina, which have three and 15 respective electoral votes.  A victory in those states is not enough to secure Trump the 56 electoral votes he needs for re-election. 

Election officials in these battleground states are hesitant to declare when the ballot counts may be over, so a winner may not be known for a few more days.  Nearly 160 million total votes were cast in this election, a number not seen in more than a century.

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