Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, the Louisville, Kentucky police officer shot and wounded during the March 13 raid on Breonna Taylor’s apartment that resulted in her police shooting death, has filed a counterclaim against Kenneth Walker, Taylor’s boyfriend, in Walker’s lawsuit against the city of Louisville and others. Mattingly’s filing reads, in part, “Walker did intentionally shoot Mattingly or acted recklessly in firing his pistol in the direction of the Police Officers who were serving a search warrant,” conduct the filing claims is “outrageous, intolerable, and offends all accepted standards of decency and morality.” It also reads: “Walker’s conduct has caused Defendant Mattingly severe trauma, mental anguish, and emotional distress.” Mattingly is asking for a trial by jury and seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

Walker fired his licensed handgun when he heard police at his door executing a no-knock warrant on Taylor’s residence the night of the incident. While an FBI ballistics report determined Walker shot Mattingly, Walker and his attorneys continue to dispute this. Taylor was killed by return police gunfire as she slept in her bed. Initial charges against Taylor were dropped, and on September 1 he filed suit against the commonwealth of Kentucky, and city of Louisville and the Louisville Police Department, seeking immunity from future prosecution under Kentucky’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law. Walker is also seeking damages.